Thursday, June 21, 2012

Being Present

I recently noticed a book on our bookshelf that was gathering dust called How to Train a Wild Elephant & Other Adventures in Mindfulness.  I started reading through the introduction chapter which describes that most people are not really present in their everyday lives.  They are constantly thinking about the future, past, or in a fantasy and not experiencing what is actually happening around them. People are so worried about whats happening next, or what if, and it's a total waste of our time and energy. 
Photo via
"Unfortunately the mind, in its anxiety for us, tries to make plans for a huge number of possible futures, most of which will never arrive.  This constant leapfrogging into the future is a waste of our mental and emotional energy.  The most important way we can prepare for the unknown-to-come is to make a reasonable plan and then to pay attention to what is happening right now.  Then we can greet what flows toward us with a clear, flexible mind and open heart, ready and able to modify our plan according to the reality of the moment"
"Mindfulness practice reminds us not to fritter our mental energy away in trips to past and future, but to keep returning to this very place, to rest in what is happening in this very time"

Although I don't think I am a negative person, I did benefit from making an effort into being more present this week.  For example, this week I had a lot of meetings and work to catch up on.  Usually this would stress me out, but by reminding myself to be in the moment and not to think of what could possibly happen at the meetings, if they would go well or not, helped me not to stress out about them.  I just prepared for them as well as I could and didn't worry about it. 

The book goes into specific tasks one can practice in order to be more mindful.  I don't plan on trying all of them (there are over 50 different tasks) but I love the concept of being fully present to enjoy and experience everything life has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. May I borrow this once you're done? I'm definitely having a hard time focusing on the present and constantly worrying about the future so I think I could really benefit from reading this!
