Friday, January 27, 2012

Five for Fridays

I am jumping on the bandwagon on this one!  Clare and Kate both posted the five things they are grateful for and I wanted to join in too!  Here we go...

      1. Being able to see friends more during the week.  Ever since I moved to Bethesda this past summer, it has been easier to get together with friends.  Whether it’s dinner or watching some trashy TV, I wouldn’t trade my girl time for anything!  When we watch the Bachelor on Monday night’s our comments sound something like this.

      Oh Ben….You are boring us to death!  Thank god we drink lots of wine while watching you. 

 2.  Being able to stick to my diet and exercise plan this week.  I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to do it, but I have stuck with it! I am down about 2 pounds since last week!  Woo hoo! *Pat on back*  
      3.   Not being busy at work this week.  I appreciate that it has slowed down a bit at work the past week because this time of year used to be my busy season when I worked in public accounting.  I basically worked 60 hours a week from late January/early February up until April 15.  I hated it.  I am so glad to have a job with normal hours so I can have a life outside of work!  Free weekends and time for reading, blogging, cooking and baking make me sooooo happy because those are things I never used to have time for!

Brian and me 2 years ago
4.  Being able to see Brian every day.  People say that living together can be tough and that it might strain or change the relationship.  I wasn’t too worried about that because ever since I met Brian about 2 1/2 years ago, we have always wanted to be closer to each other.  When I lived in FL and he was up here in Maryland, it was hard.  When I lived in Alexandria, Virginia only about 30 minutes away, and he was here, that was hard too – because we wanted to be around each other all the time, and we couldn’t see each other every day.  FINALLY I feel like we are where we are supposed to be.  We’ve come so far and I am really grateful that we were able to make it work.  Living together has only made us closer and more in sync with each other.  I love where we live too! 
Our cozy cottage
 5.       Dinner tonight with our friends Jason and Erin.  We are going to Olazzo in downtown Bethesda, which is a great Italian restaurant.  We haven’t seen them in a while, but every time we get together it's lots of fun.  I love them!  

Wow I feel like one lucky girl after thinking about all that!  I have plenty more than I am grateful for, so I’ll save those for next week!