Friday, January 13, 2012

What Irks You?

My Pet Peeves - inspired by the 7 things you may not know about me post, I bring to you 7 things that annoy me!

I don't mean for this to be a negative post.  I'm not a negative person.  And I know everyone has their own quirks and things that tick them off, so I hope this can be fun!  Maybe we can all agree on some things, and maybe we can argue over others.  Here we go...

1.  People who chew food or gum with their mouth OPEN.  This is gross.  I learned at an early age that you should never chew with your mouth open, its rude.  Thanks mom!  I seriously cannot sit next to someone who eats this way, I wont be able to enjoy my own meal.

2.  People who are not aware of their surroundings.  I get this a lot while taking the Metro, but this goes for walking down the street, driving, etc.  You know, when you are walking and the person in front of you just stops in their tracks, oblivious to other people trying to get by?  People who have no idea that they are in your way?  This also goes for people who invade your personal space, because they just aren't aware that they are TOO CLOSE.  Back off!  This also includes people who don't respond when you call their name.  If you don't have a hearing problem then you should probably acknowledge when people are talking to you.

3. People who call in sick to work because they are hungover or not really sick.  Everyone knows that you're not really sick!  This is OK once in a while, but when it becomes a common occurrence...its just obvious you are lying.  We are grownups now, you need to come to work and do your job! 

4.  People who aren't team players.  In most work environments, you need to be a team player.  If you try and avoid doing your work, someone else will probably have to pick up your slack.  Not cool.   

5. Going to the dentist or doctor. I just hate it.  I have no reason to really, but I just do.  I just think of all the possible cavities or awful diseases I may have and it makes me irrationally scared and not want to go. I know that's silly but I can't help it.

6.  People who don't pick up after their dog.  When we moved into our house last July, this was an issue.  Our neighbor would let her dog wander in our yard and never pick up the "presents" it left behind.  It was not a small dog either.  It was just so inconsiderate.  I always bring a baggie on walks with Winston, and if I happen to forget one, I go back to the scene of the crime and pick it up!

7.  People who don't know the difference between Their, There and They're.  Need I say more?  If it's clearly a typo or happens once, I can forgive, but if you truly don't know which word to use, you need to go back to elementary school.

I could go on and on, but I think 7 is a good number to end with.  I hope you were able to relate to some of my pet peeves!  If I missed any, please feel free to add to the list!

1 comment:

  1. haha. Good list. I think I have way more than 7. I'm right there with you on most of them. Except, I sometimes call in sick ... but just because i don't get a lot of vacation days.
